Bra Strap Satin Elastic - 10mm Pink
ITEM CODE: 8591149040900
440695 / 2
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Shoulder Elastic is made from comfortable and most luxurious-looking shiny satin.

Application: Elastic is suitable for edging garters, blouses, dresses etc. You can also use it for the production of tank tops, vests and bras.
Soft in tension.



  • Width: 10 mm
  • polyamide
  • elastan​e​

Product care


Shoulder Elastic is made from comfortable and most luxurious-looking shiny satin.

Application: Elastic is suitable for edging garters, blouses, dresses etc. You can also use it for the production of tank tops, vests and bras.
Soft in tension.



  • Width: 10 mm
  • polyamide
  • elastan​e​

Product care


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